The Cove Pelican Waters

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April 2024 Construction Update for Comino

Reaching new heights, at Comino

Every day, something big changes at The Cove, thanks to the great work of the Evans Built construction team and their project partners.

That change is not about to stop. Read on to learn what’s been happening and what’s ahead for the rest of April and May. 

Something different is going on across every level of Comino…

  • The painters have completed the base coat on Level 1. Wet areas have begun being waterproofed, and tiling will follow. The joinery has been measured and will be ready for installation in May.

  • The windows on Level 2 are almost complete. The painters will start on this level in mid-April, and the tilers will begin their work in May.

  • The services rough-ins on Level 3 have finished, allowing the wall sheeting to begin. The painters will continue moving up the building and will start on this level in May.

  • The framing on Level 4 will be finished by the end of April. Then, in May, the windows and doors will be installed, and wall sheeting will begin.

  • On Level 5, during April, half the floor will be stripped of formwork, and plumbing stacks and high-level services rough-ins will begin. Then, in May, the rough-ins and internal framing will continue.

  • Up on Level 6, pour one has been completed, and columns and blockwork have been started. Pour two is scheduled for 18 April, with structure to follow.

  • Then, by the end of April, the roof plant deck pour will take place, completing the concrete building structure. Structural steel for the balance of the roof will be erected during May, with roofing to commence at the very end of the month.

    We’ll round out the month of May with one of the project's most exciting milestones:
    the excavation of the pool area. Here’s hoping for a dry winter.

Watch Construction Update Video

Check out our latest construction video and stay tuned for further updates.

To all who’ve already secured their residence at Comino, we’re sure you’re feeling just as excited about this progress as we are. If you are yet to make your decision, there is still time to make Comino home.
But don’t leave it too much longer. The risk of missing out is real.

We look forward to experiencing 'better' together.