The Cove Pelican Waters

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March 2024 Construction Update for Comino

Milestones and More this Month, at Comino

Looking ahead to March, the Evans Built team is preparing to tick off some major construction milestones for Comino.

Significantly, they will be working on Levels 5 and 6. To have reached this construction stage so soon is a result of the fantastic build systems and processes Evans Built has in place, and the expertise of their people.


  • On Level 5 the concrete slab will be completed, and half of Level 6
    will be poured.

  • Then, once the Level 6 pour is done, there will be partial formwork
    stripping on Level 4.

  • On Level 3, wall framing will begin. This will be followed by service

  • rough-ins.

  • On Levels 2 and 1, the focus will be on installing windows and
    doors, and wall and ceiling sheeting and setting. Also on Level 1,
    internal tiling will begin along with external rendering.

  • By the end of April, we’re likely to be filming our construction update
    from the top of the concrete roof, which will top out the Comino

Watch Construction Update Video

Check out our latest construction video and stay tuned for further updates.

If you’ve seen the site, you’ll have noticed Comino growing and how good it is to see the view continually improving. This magnificent building is taking shape and those who are lucky enough to have already secured their residence have reason to be excited.

If you’re still thinking about making Comino your next move, now is the time to talk to our sales team. Limited residences remain available, and we’d love to help you to secure one of them.

We look forward to experiencing 'better' together.